Remembering Chief John L Sipes Jr
Sappa Creek Meaning Black: When I visited the Sappa Creek Massacre Site located on the Larry Catlin ranch twelve miles south of the town of Atwood in northwestern Kansas in … Continue Reading →
Photographer & Storyteller of the North American Great Plains Yucatán Mexico Canada & Alaska 1981-2024
Sappa Creek Meaning Black: When I visited the Sappa Creek Massacre Site located on the Larry Catlin ranch twelve miles south of the town of Atwood in northwestern Kansas in … Continue Reading →
Q & A with Olivia Bratsanos During the late 1950’s and early 1960’s a young Andrew Hogarth enjoyed watching the black and white western serials beaming into his home on … Continue Reading →
They say that time flies although it is nice to look back at milestones in ones creative endeavours that has huge flagpoles in the sand. This year sees the twenty-fifth … Continue Reading →
It was sad news the other week when I heard that my dear friend Joe Medicine Crow passed away at a Billings Hospice at the age of one hundred and … Continue Reading →